TS4: Kitchen Knife OVERRIDE

Sul sul ^^

One more kitchen override for you ^^

This time it's the kitchen knife :)

There are 27 different versions for you to choose from.



- This item will override EA's kitchen knife (kitchen tool). Base game.

1- Please choose JUST ONE VERSION.  You can only use one override for an item at a time.

2- Download it, extract it and place it on your Mods folder. KEEP JUST THE VERSION YOU WANT TO USE, and delete the other 26 items. It's really important to do it, other way it won't work.

3- They're all called "channel4sims - food replacements - kitchen knife - NAME OF THE VERSION".

So after "kitchen knife" is where you should pay attention to choose the one you want ^^ 

4- DO NOT put it more than 1 folder deep, or it may not work.

Example 1: Mods/Replacements/(your file here) - OK 👍

Example 2: Mods/Replacements/Food/(your file here) - Won't work 👎

5- If you later want to use another version, but first delete the one you're currently using and then replace for you one you want.

NOTE: If you're using another creator's override, you'll have to delete it first before using this one. You can't have different files replacing the same item.



* Spatula Override.

* Cooking Spoon Override.

Don't worry, you won't have to choose all kitchen items one by one.

But some of them, the "main ones", I want you to be able to customize the way you want. I'll bring more soon :)

Remember to choose just one version and delete the other ones.

If there are any problems, let me know :)

I hope you'll enjoy it a lot ^^

Happy Simming ^^

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